Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Rare Bill Erwin Died

Bill Irwin died because of natural reasons at the age of 96, and, as he appeared on numerous television programs and movies, and fans can remember the best Seinfeld Bill Irwin in his role as an old man, Mr. Fields, a 4 season episode.

Bill Irwin has a rather impressive evidence of more than 250 television and movie credits under the belt!

Furthermore Seinfeld, Bill Irwin seems to various television programs including "leave it to beaver"," I Love Lucy "," Gunsmoke "," Andy Griffith Show" twilight zone "and" hiding "Perry Mason married, " Growing pains ""Who's Boss: "with the children"and"Star trek. The next generation. "

We remember Bill Irwin in his film "somewhere right time"or maybe I saw an example of his films, John Hughes' planes, trains and cars, a child home alone, and Dennis threat.

Bill Irwin, died on December 29 and has two daughters, two sons and eight grandchildren.


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