Sunday, February 6, 2011

Salvatore Giunta: Congressional Medal of Honor receiver rewarded During Super Bowl televise

Salvatore Giunta, twenty-five, got the nation's peak armed forces honor, the Medal of Honor, in September by President of the United States Barack Obama.
About Sunday on the Super Bowl televise, Giunta comprised acquainted for the first living Medal of Honor receiver since the Vietnam War.
As accounted in a White House story:
As a freedom fighter force ambush break Specialist Giunta's squad into two groups, he broke himself to opposition fire to attract a associate back up to address. After, while engaging the opposition and seeking to associate with the rest of his team, Specialist Giunta acknowledged two freedom fighter carrying away a fellow soldier. He immediately engaged the enemy, killing one and wounding the other, and provided medical aid to his wounded comrade although the balance of his team caught up and allowed protection . His bravery and leading while low extreme opposition attack were built-in to his platoon's power overcome an enemy ambuscade and recover a associate American paratrooper from enemy hands.
6 armed service members had reportedly been granted the Congressional Medal of Honor since September 2001, all posthumously, earlier Giunta encountered the award.
Giunta's accomplishes in a crucial scenario certify that although the Super Bowl is among the greatest events in U.S.A. Yearly, the game is banal likened to the all background of affairs in life.
Giunta's accomplishes are more authoritative than any Super Bowl most valuable player may ever so comprise.


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